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Hills Machinery Goes Full-Court Press with Two New Locations that Strengthen Sales, Service and Support Throughout North Carolina and South Carolina

Release Date: Jun-15-2022

CASE Construction Equipment dealer network made even stronger in the Southeast with new Hills Machinery facilities in Wilmington, and Asheville, North Carolina.

CASE Construction Equipment dealer Hills Machinery has opened two new facilities to strengthen its footprint and customer service throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. The new operations in Mills River (Asheville), and Leland (Wilmington), North Carolina will focus on new and used equipment sales, rental, support, service and parts access — and ultimately puts equipment owners throughout the territory within 90 miles of a Hills location no matter where their jobsite or farm is. Both new locations are now open, provide opportunity for expansion, and help further strengthen the CASE dealer network throughout the southeast.

“The team at Hills Machinery has been extremely deliberate in expansion over the years, and has strategically picked locations that ensure swift and trustworthy service and field response,” says Terry Dolan, vice president – North America, CASE Construction Equipment. “The Carolinas are booming with growth, and Hills Machinery has positioned itself in a way that makes them the equipment partner of choice in the diverse construction and agricultural markets in the region, and one of the strongest representatives of CASE in North America.”

The grand opening event was attended by leadership from CASE and Case IH, as well as contractors and local representatives welcoming each new operation to the region. Hills Machinery now has nine locations serving the Carolinas.

“These new locations allow us to take what was already strong coverage throughout both states and further ensure access to new and used equipment sales, as well as parts and service,” says Jim Hills, president, Hills Machinery. “Work and equipment demands vary wildly from the coast to the far western reaches of our territory, and each new branch will bolster both access to in-shop service and field service technicians, and the latest in earthmoving and farming technology.”

For more information on Hills Machinery and its work in the region, visit  

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